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  • 7 days
  • Kenya

Included and Excluded

Highlights of the Tour


Morning drive to Nyeri for lunch at the Outspan Hotel. Later transfer to the Aberdares National Park for an evening of game viewing from Treetops Hotel balconies. Dinner and overnight at the Treetops Hotel.

After breakfast at the Out span Hotel drive via Nyahururu Falls to Lake Naivasha and make a walking game trek inside the Hells gate National Park. The lake is also a bird watchers fantasy. From October to March the resident bird population is supplemented by palaearctic migrants. Dinner and overnight at Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge

After breakfast drive to Masai Mara Game Reserve to arrive in time for lunch. Afternoon game viewing. in the park. Overnight Mara Sopa Lodges

Morning and afternoon game drives from the comfortable base of the lodge, explore the parks amazingly high concentration of game. This game reserve is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Masai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at the Sopa Lodges Masai Mara

Morning return drive to Nairobi arriving around noon. After lunch at the Nairobi Safari Club, drive via Namanga to Amboseli National Park. Evening game drive. Dinner and overnight at Amboseli Sopa Lodge.

Morning drive via the Shaitani lava flow to Tsavo West National Park. Afternoon game viewing. Overnight Kilaguni Lodge

Morning drive south to Mombasa arriving around 1230 hours and drop off at a Mombasa Hotel.

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