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  • 7 days
  • Kenya

7 Days Kenyan Tours To Masai Mara And Mount Kenya Region, Naromoru River Lodge, Mountain Lodge, Lake Nakuru Tours, Masai Mara, Olmoran Tented Camp, Serena Hotels, Camp Carnelleys In Lake Naivasha

Included and Excluded

  • Transport with safari Vehicle with pop-up roof
  • All park entrance fees
  • Accommodations in the self contained lodges and Tented Camp
  • Full board,three meals per day while on safari
  • Pick up from the airport upon arrival
  • Drop off to the airport the last day
  • Game drives
  • Drinking water
  • Tips for the drive/guide
  • Entrance in the Masai village
  • Small towel, toiletries, toilet paper
  • Sunscreen and lip balm
  • First aid kit and insect repellent
  • Flash light
  • Binoculars
  • Camera with zoom lenses
  • Spare film or memory card and batteries or battery pack
  • Sun glass and sun hat
  • Long sleeved shirt and long trousers
  • Warm sweater
  • Day pack

Highlights of the Tour


Pick up at 0730hrs after the breakfast then head to Mt.Kenya region, arrive on time for lunch, this lodge is located inside the Aberdare National park and  offers the guests a close view of the local wildlife in complete safety. It includes observation lounges and ground-level photographic hides from which guests can observe the local wildlife which comes to the nearby waterholes.It is one of the most visited Lodge along Mount Kenya Region because of its serenity. Dinner and overnight in the Lodge. Naro Moru River Lodge

Have your breakfast as you watch the animals as they come to the water holes, there after check out the Lodge and drive to Lake Nakuru with your picnic lunch in Thomson falls in Nyahururu. After lunch proceed on to Lake Nakuru arriving late afternoon,on arrival check in the Lake Nakuru Lodge, have a cup of coffee and then proceed for the late afternoon game drive as from 1600hrs - 1830hrs, then return to the Lodge for main meals and overnight in Lake Nakuru Lodge

Wake up at 0630hrs have your breakfast, proceed for the early morning game drive, on this day you will have your, Lake Nakuru National Park, where you will have a chance to visit a unique sanctuary catering for a size able number of the endangered rhinoceros and the Rothschild giraffe. Water bucks as well as the predators such as the lion and leopard are common at the park. Also to be seen is a myriad different variety of bird life in and around the lake,after exploring the park return to the Lodge for lunch in Lake Nakuru Lodge after lunch proceed to Masai Mara arriving late afternoon. If time allows proceed for the late game drive until 1830hrs. Dinner and overnight in Luxury Tented Camp

The whole day explore the parks amazingly high concentration of game. This game reserve is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round.The Mara's gentle fertile climate bounded by The Rift, offers perhaps the richest stocked reserve set within some 1672 sq km - an unlimited spectacle of wildlife. Located 268 km west of Nairobi, the emphasis here is on game. Herds of immense Elephants, browse among Lion, Buffalo, Thompson Gazelle, Zebra and Topi. You may occasionally sight a Rhino or Leopard. In the Mara River Hippos play and Cross bask on the banks. The annual migration of a million Wildebeest follows the rains north.After exploring the park return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

The whole day explore the park and follow the migration on the other side of Mara, have the whole day game drive with your picnic lunch with you, on this day you will follow a different direction as compared to the previous day, after having spent the whole day game viewing return to the camp for dinner and over night in Lodge

Wake up call at 0600am have a cup of coffee and then proceed for the early morning game drive, this early morning game drive is very important as you will be able to see the early morning kill from the big 5, its exciting to see how the big 5 also makes kills, this game drive normally takes about Three and Half Hours, then return to the Masai Mara Serena Lodge around 0930hrs for the main breakfast. After breakfast  leave and head back to Nairobi with a stop over in Narok for lunch. After lunch proceed on to Lake Naivasha arriving early afternoon. On arrival check in to Carnelleys Camp which is along the lake. You will have a walk along the lake which is one of the breath taking moments after driving from Masai Mara. 1800hrs, return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

After the breakfast you will proceed for the boat ride, this is one of the best experience as you will visit the hippo pool as you see lots of birds life in this lake. In Lake Naivasha we have lots of wildlife and birds along the lake, this will take you until 0930hrs, then return to the camp to check out and then leave for Nairobi around 10:00hrs and drive straight to the airport, the drive from Lake Naivasha to Nairobi takes about one and half hours and yu will be dropped to the airport in time for your flight check in Time around 11:30hrs where the adventure comes to an end, hoping to see you again in future.

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